Recommended for black light lamps for oxygen pipelines and valves for degreasing cleaning

Oxygen pipeline, valve degreasing cleaning inspection black light recommended container pipeline degreasing treatment method - using 365nm black light to check the surface of the metal surface degreasing and degreasing treatment mainly by dissolution, saponification, emulsification to remove the surface grease. Commonly used methods include lye degreasing, emulsification degreasing, and solvent degreasing. The pressure vessel and the surface of the pipe are irradiated with the LYOR-365 and LUYOR-2130 ultraviolet lamps (also known as black light) from Luyang, USA, and the cleaning is qualified without fluorescence.

Use black light inspection, acceptance methods:
1. Direct visual inspection The visual cleanliness is assessed visually on the surface of the visible equipment. Use a white light to check the surface of the device for grease or particles.
2. The ultraviolet light (black light) is inspected for visual inspection. The black light is used to check the hydrocarbon grease film on the surface of the equipment. The surface of the device will fluoresce under the black light, which is the only effective way to detect the oil content. The specific measures are as follows:
1) Ultraviolet light is required in the 320-400 nm nano-band, and the center wavelength is 365 nm. It is suitable to have a UV intensity of 38uw/cm2 at 38cm.
2) The black light is very useful for detecting whether the surface of the device is oily, and it can obtain very weak fluorescence that is difficult to see under the white light. Therefore, with appropriate black light, it is possible to see the fluorescence of components, systems and other materials containing grease in the manufacture of equipment. This fluorescence determines the effectiveness of the technique during the test. Usually indicated to contain grease, blue or white bright spots or yellow-green highlights will appear through black light inspection. At the same time, however, many paraffinic oils, including compressor lubricants, cutting oils, and other lubricating oils that are directly illuminated with black light do not produce fluorescence unless a sufficient amount of fluorescent dyeing additive is used. Fluorocarbon grease does not produce fluorescence.
3) Black light detection still requires a comprehensive inspection of the grease on the surface of the equipment. If the grease characteristics of the equipment surface are not known, the black light detection is only effective for the inspection of hydrocarbons. If fluorescence occurs, it must be cleaned again.

Note: Hydrocarbon compounds are compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms, and mainly contain alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon compounds are alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons.

The above is the inspection method of the dewatering and degreasing treatment of the container pipe - the surface of the LUYOR-3130 hand-held LED UV lamp and the LUYOR-2130 portable flashlight type UV lamp with a 365 nm black light inspection surface. Can check it out.
The LUYOR-2130 flashlight UV lamp is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery with a light intensity of 8000 uw/cm2 at a distance of 38 cm, a wavelength of 365 nm at a UV center, and a band of 320-400 nm.
LUYOR-3130 portable flashlight UV lamp is an LED bulb, powered by a lithium battery, with 2 batteries as standard, each battery can be used continuously for more than 3 hours;
The light intensity is 20,000 uw/cm 2 at a distance of 38 cm, the ultraviolet center wavelength is 365 nm, and the wavelength band is 360-370 nm.
Shanghai Fengzhi Instrument Co., Ltd. stocks all kinds of black light of Luyang, the United States, consulting telephone
'Oxygen pipe, valve degreasing cleaning inspection with black light recommended


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