Decoration must see: 4 selection of paint

Links: Expert Answers 12 Misunderstandings of Latex Paints

The first step: understand latex paint

Latex paint, commonly known as "paint" or "wall paint," is a water-soluble decorative material that is applied directly to interior walls to protect and beautify wall surfaces. It requires the use of primers and topcoats. Commercially-available latex paint products are truly environmentally-safe and safe products only through Green Ten Rings certification.

The second step: master the function of latex paint

The functional positioning of commercially available latex paint is divided into five series, from full-featured full-effect series, multi-functional five-in-one series, enhanced-functional super-easy-to-wash series, single-function series, and economical series, regardless of foreign brands. Such as Nippon or Dole, or domestic brands such as classic paint, have a corresponding product sales.

Brand Shop: Nippon Paint Ivy Paint Oulong Paint Master Paint

Paint, paint, paint, latex paint, interior decoration, home decoration

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