Vegetable field skillfully used herbicide

1. Scientific selection of the herbicide (1) 48% of Fluoride EC, 100-150 ml per mu, used for Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, celery, radish, carrot, kidney bean, kidney bean before sowing and tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage , soil treatment before broccoli planting. (2) 25% herbicide ether wettable powder, 300-400 grams per mu, used for soil treatment before bean, cowpea, carrot, celery, and sorghum before planting and cucumber, tomato, pepper, and broccoli. It can also be mixed with 50% of chlorpyrifos WP at 50g per acre for better results. (3) 50% of the turfgrass WP, 200-250 grams per acre, used for soil treatment before celery, old root leeks, carrots, and alfalfa. (4) 33% of field-based emulsifiable concentrate, 100-150 ml per mu, used for soil treatment before bean, potato, pea, live leeks, cruciferous vegetables and before planting of Solanaceae vegetables. (5) 20% diclofenac EC, 250-300 ml per mu, used for soil treatment before radish, cabbage, kidney bean sowing and eggplant, tomato, pepper, cabbage, potato, watermelon.
2, pay attention to the details to improve the efficacy (1) master the amount of medication. The dosage must be accurate to two, that is, the field area is accurate and the calculated dose is accurate. (2) After spraying with trifluralin, it is necessary to mix 2~3 cm deep in time to prevent photolysis; other types of herbicides generally need to protect the soil membrane layer, avoid mixing soil and trample. (3) When using herbicides in solar greenhouses and greenhouses, attention should be paid to ventilation and ventilation to avoid phytotoxicity. (4) Cucumber, lettuce, and Artemisia scoparia are sensitive to trifluralin and chlorpyrifos. Celery and carrot are sensitive to dichlorfen. Liliaceae vegetables such as leeks and green onions are sensitive to herbicide ether, and these herbicides have been used for the former cockroaches. The field is also very sensitive, and care should be taken to avoid application and contact. The effect of herbicides on controlling weeds in vegetable fields and the safety of vegetables is closely related to the climate, soil quality, vegetable varieties and cultivation methods. Therefore, the use of each herbicide should follow the test, demonstration, and The principle of promotion.
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