Study found that frequent drinking yogurt can reduce the risk of tooth decay in children
Japanese researchers said that yogurt is the best daily diet for children to prevent tooth decay.
According to foreign media reports on the 6th, a new study in Japan found that regular drinking yogurt can reduce the risk of children suffering from tooth decay. Three-year-olds who eat at least four times a week can reduce the risk of tooth decay by 22% compared with children who eat less than once a week.
The study was published in the Journal of Dentistry and researchers analyzed previous claims that dairy products can prevent tooth decay in children. They found that while butter, cheese, and milk did not seem to have a significant effect, drinking yogurt did have a protective effect on children's teeth.
The reason why yoghurt reduces the risk of tooth decay is still not clear, but one argument is that yoghurt contains protein that attaches to the surface of the tooth to prevent the acid from attacking the tooth. It also means that the calcium and phosphate that make up the tooth enamel will not break down. The study was conducted by experts from the University of Fukuoka and the University of Tokyo. The findings support the findings of previous Australian scientists. Australian scientists placed the extracted teeth in yogurt and found that yogurt prevented tooth cavities.
In this new study, Japanese researchers investigated more than 2,000 3-year-old children and asked their parents about their children's eating habits. The researchers also conducted dental examinations on these children to assess their dental status. It was found that there was a clear link between yogurt and the prevention of tooth decay, but other common dairy products did not have this effect. The researchers said: "More yoghurt may be less related to children's tooth cavities."
However, Dr. Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Hygiene Foundation, warned: “We must not forget that many yogurts in the UK are artificially sweetened, and the increase in sugary foods and beverages will lead to an increase in tooth decay. Yogurt is also quite thick and covered. Teeth tend to be long, which can also cause problems. If parents want to increase their children's yoghurt intake, then it is very important to limit taking at mealtime.†Last week, British experts warned that it was less than two times a day to brush their teeth. The second adult has a higher risk of heart disease. They think this is because the inflammation of the body, including gums, increases the probability of arterial blockage. (Finish)
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