Solar water heaters purchase Raiders energy-saving high-efficiency warm weapon

Solar water heaters are energy-saving, high-efficiency, cost-effective, and do not cause pollution to the environment. Therefore, they are welcomed by consumers and their market share has been expanding year by year. So how to choose solar water heater? In this issue, Xiao Bian will introduce to you in detail how to buy solar water heaters.

First, the basic knowledge and classification of solar water heaters

A solar water heater is a device that collects solar radiation energy, converts sunlight energy into heat energy, and heats water from a low temperature to a high temperature.

The above table lists the common classifications of solar water heaters and their characteristics. Before purchasing, do a preliminary understanding, and then control their own needs, will be conducive to purchase to the heart of the product.

Water heater and water heater buy solar water heater

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