Put onions on the bed to improve sleep

Chinese medicine believes that onion is flat, sweet and pungent. It has the functions of stomach, digestion, flattening liver, easing intestine, expectoration, diuresis and sweating. It is a rare health food. Eating onions can sterilize and treat colds and stuffy nose. Nerve deprivation can put onions on the pillow to improve sleep. Here are three methods of dietary treatment of onions.

Vinegar soaked in onion Wash an onion, peel off the skin, slice it, put it in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes, put the onion in the container, add 5 tablespoons of vinegar and put it in the refrigerator. The next morning is ready to eat. Daily breakfast with this onion table, can effectively reduce blood sugar, but also remove the body's waste, make the skin clean, reduce age spots, delay skin aging.

Soak lettuce leaves and onions. Wash the onions and cut thin slices. Add a few slices of lettuce and pour into apple vinegar, higher than onions. Regular consumption can treat constipation, stabilize blood pressure, and can effectively improve sleep.

Onion skin Jianshui drink drink with onion skin Jianshui drink, or eat fried onions, can reduce the vitreous opacities of the eyes, improve vision.

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