Effect of dietary electrolyte balance on production performance of laying hens
The effect of one
electrolyte balance on the performance of laying hensRegulating dietary electrolyte balance is an important means to improve the growth performance of poultry after the ratio of energy to egg and amino acid balance. However, the premise is that the ion concentration that affects the electrolyte balance of the diet must meet the minimum requirements for poultry and is below the upper limit of the toxic side effects. Phosphate and sulfate can reduce the electrolyte balance of the diet, but it is not as effective as chloride ion.
The results of homozygous or natural diet studies showed that the animal's growth performance was the highest when the dietary electrolyte balance was 250 mmol/kg. In high temperature environments, increasing dietary electrolyte balance is beneficial to production performance. Most reports suggest that the ideal electrolyte balance of laying hens is 200-250mmol/kg, which exceeds or decreases the egg production performance. The dietary chlorine level was adjusted to achieve a balanced electrolyte balance of 40, 80, 124 and 167 mmol/kg. There were no significant differences in the production indexes and eggshell quality of laying hens at all levels. The addition of sodium sulfate increased the balance of dietary electrolytes from 119 in the control group to 209 mmol/kg, and the daily gain in AA broilers increased by 46.5%. The addition of calcium chloride reduced the electrolyte balance of the diet to -55 mmol/kg. The weight was reduced by 26.8%. It can be seen that dietary electrolyte balance has a more significant effect on the performance of fast-growing broilers. The laying hens are in the physiological maturity stage, and the acid-base balance regulation ability is strong, which is less affected by the dietary electrolyte balance. Secondly, the age of the laying hens, the temperature and the drinking water quality are different in the existing reports, resulting in results. The comparability is reduced.
The change of dietary electrolyte balance will theoretically affect the PH value of the body's digestive tract first, and then affect the body's ion balance. Low dietary electrolyte balance reduces intestinal pH, affecting intestinal digestive enzyme activity and intestinal microbial composition and quantity. This mechanism of influence has been confirmed in the study of feed acidifiers. The acidifier was added to the poultry diet, the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine increased significantly, the activity of the main digestive enzymes increased, and the feed utilization rate improved significantly.
The effect of two dietary electrolyte balance on egg quality
Dietary electrolyte balance affects eggshell quality, egg white concentration, and pigmentation. The concentration of chloride ions in the blood increases with the increase of chloride ions in the diet, affecting the blood pH and other ion concentrations. Eggshell formation as an acid-producing process, the body's acid-base balance is a sensitive indicator in this process. When the eggshell is formed, the genital mucosal cells secrete bicarbonate and calcium ions, and hydrogen ions are transferred into the plasma, resulting in a decrease in blood pH and a change in acid-base balance. Obviously, the low pH of the blood is not conducive to the formation of eggshells. Body fluid pH affects egg white protein secretion in laying hens. It is generally believed that the content of acidic glycoproteins such as mucin and mucin in egg white is increased with the decrease of body fluid pH, which makes the egg white thick. The influencing factors and mechanism of action have not been reported in detail on egg poultry. It has been reported on the egg duck that the Huff unit of the "rib" duck egg is significantly higher than the ordinary egg, which may be caused by the decrease in the pH value of the reproductive tract of the egg duck after microbial infection. Dietary natural carotenoids are mostly present in the form of ester structures. Before the intestinal absorption, it must be saponified under alkaline conditions, otherwise it can not be absorbed. Therefore, the intestinal alkaline environment is beneficial for the absorption of carotenoids.
Dietary electrolyte balance affects the body's blood acid-base balance. Lower body fluid pH increases the secretion of oviduct glycoprotein. Too low dietary electrolyte balance is not conducive to eggshell formation.
The quality of the egg during the storage period was reflected in the PH value and the Haugh unit index. When stored at room temperature, the pH value of egg white decreased rapidly, and the Haugh unit gradually decreased. The ideal thickness of the eggshell is 0.35 mm. When the temperature is lower than 0.25 mm, the transport and storage performance of the egg is significantly reduced. As for the decline of egg yellow color, it is possible to try to improve the method by adding lipase to the diet and pre-saponifying the exogenous carotenoid.
Corn-soybean-type diet, low-dose electrolyte balance improves the production performance of laying hens. The dietary electrolyte balance value was reduced from 190 to 100 mmol/kg, the egg production rate was increased, and the egg-to-egg ratio was decreased.
Dietary electrolyte balance has a significant impact on egg quality. The low dietary electrolyte balance reduced the egg white pH, the egg white hexose concentration increased, the Haugh unit increased, the eggshell thickness decreased, and the egg yellow color decreased.
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