Development history of highway guardrail pile driver
2018-03-06 22:00:06
Highway guardrail pile driver developed from hammer pile driver. Now highway guardrail pile driver is more professional. The old pile driver is only to have the guardrail installed into the earth.
but need another machine to set the hole for the guardrail. So in order to install the guardrail easier and more convenient,as well ensure high quality, Honggong engineers researched and
developed driller bored pile driver two-in-one machine, truck mounted or wheel mounted to make it fast to move on construction site.
Old version pile hammer caused big noise and vibration when working every time, to reduce this problem and make confortable living place around the construction site, HongGong engineers worked out a new type pile driver, to
change the traditional pile into pitching of pile, which is not only overcome the shortcomings of the noise and vibration, but also improve the work efficiency.
Pile drive produced by Chongqing honggong company, which uses the reactive force caused by pour steel pile, can install the steel post deep into ground to 20-30 meters. In the construcion process will not produce large
sound and vibration. Because the equipment occupied limited space, it could be used in the existing building area.
Operation process is to lift the steel post with a crane, highway guardrail pile driver clamps the bottom of the steel post, then install it into ground with the heavy reaction force. Honggong produced pile driver works on all post with I-shape,
round-shape or S-shape. If the construction site is rock or gravel , drill holes and pile driver by one machine, maximized use the product , increased the efficiency.
This improvement is not only for HongGong pile driver, but also a great step forward for human piling machinery. Country's emphasis on highway security keeps the market expanding.